Part 52: Special Missions - The Unseen Time Bomb!
Special Missions - Session 4: The Unseen Time Bomb!
Our journey on the post-game mission short bus continues to Stage 4. Here we backtracked through most of the previous stage with Chris, mucked around with dogs far superior to guards in every way, and fought the Avatar of Australia. Let's see what fun Number 4 has in-store for us today...

Armory Battle (MGS: The Twin Snakes)
Stage 4 - Mission 1!

So we have just shy of eight minutes to make it through this entire stage. It took me 12:22 to do it in the main playthrough. So that's quite a bit of time to burn off. As you'll recall there were laser grids to navigate (now better just be ran through, Alert be damned.)

Don't forget there is also a randomized gate to be dealt with in the second half of the stage. That can be problematic on a frickin' time trial.

Oh and do not forget an entire boss fight. That has to be slotted into the seven minutes and fifty seconds allotted. Choo-choo, motherfucker!

Stage 4 - Mission 2!

After the mad dash across the area, just sneaking through without tripping any alarms is no biggie. I can already attest to this fact.

Stage 4 - Mission 3!

So yeah. This SUCKS. Snake must be pretty much always moving here. Like No.4 said, idle for more than a second and...

Kablam! The landscape is suddenly inside-out Solid Snake colored. Not being able to stay still for more than one second adds a bit of other factors. Like being hit by anything other than a bullet will almost assuredly waste more than a second recovering...

Plus there's that whole randomized door with the punching animations that last half a second. Better hold in a direction on the D-pad while doing that or that punch Snake throws could be his last.

And remember this stage is covered with dogs that knock Snake on his ass when they attack. And the only way to sneak by them is moving slowly since they have hyper sensitive hearing. And of course there is no moving slowly due to the whole bomb inside Snake thing...

Of course don't forget we still need to face Captain Aussie and his boomerangs and hawk which both will insta-gib Snake if he's hit. So that's fun too!